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Federal government websites often end in. The site is secure. Due to the epidemiological urgency, and differing from classical examples in the literature, this process is characterized by a compressed timeframe. The present article provides implications for the interplay between different modes of standard setting in general, and the setting of technological standards in crises in particular. There is a strong interest in the literature about technological standards and the process through which they are created and implemented Narayanan and Chen, Prior literature has discussed how standards often exist concurrently in competing relationships for years Schilling, As network goods, these apps depend heavily on mutual compatibility and thus on standardization.

This dearth has led diverse actors to rapidly develop apps and work toward their standardization. Our analysis, through the lens of the Wiegmann et al. Standards are rules facilitating compatibility between technological products Katz and Shapiro, ; Gandal,1 and thereby complement dominant designs Gallagher,which alone do not imply mutual compatibility Afuah, Mutual compatibility reduces uncertainty Rosenberg, This is especially relevant for network goods that do not offer benefits in isolation but increase in utility with an increase in the number of adopters Henderson and Clark, ; Shapiro and Varian, ; Chen and Forman, An example of this is the video cassette.

By the s, magnetic tapes held in downloxd cartridges had evolved as the dominant design in the home video market, though several mutually incompatible standards backed by different market players e. An increase in the population of VHS adopters led to an increase dowbload the aktivasi windows 11 pro cmd of VHS, with the movie industry and rental chains offering a wider selection of titles Ohashi, As presented in the preceding examples and mirroring dominant designs, standards can exist concurrently in competition Schilling, This is typical for de facto standards emerging from market competition Farrell and Saloner, a ; Rada, ; Updegrove, ; Lee and Mendelson, ; Techatassanasoontorn and Suo, ; Tamura, They are unlike de jure standards officially approved by a recognized standards developing organization SDO 2 or government agency Farrell and Saloner, b ; Rada, windows 10 1703 download iso italy covid test - windows 10 1703 download iso italy covid test International Organization for Standardization, b.

While generally de jure standards embody best practices agreed upon by expert consensus McCallum, ; International Organization for Standardization, ade facto standards do not necessarily embody best practices. The binary categorization of standard setting modes into de jure and de facto standards is pervasive in prior literature e. Downlozd, for several technologies e.

These actors comprise individual firms, industry consortia, standards organizations, professional associations, and government agencies Leiponen, ; Yates and Murphy, ; Conde et al. Source: Obtained from Wiegmann et al. These multimodal relationships windows 10 1703 download iso italy covid test - windows 10 1703 download iso italy covid test committee and market actors ktaly.

Here, platforms refer to business models utilizing technology to enable various stakeholders to create and exchange value within an ecosystem Parker et al. The governance mechanisms of platforms are defined and windows 10 1703 download iso italy covid test - windows 10 1703 download iso italy covid test by the platform owner Ballon, ; Hein et al.

This is also in line with prior empirical research on standardization reporting on single cases e. From March onwards, the increasing number of cases resulted in governments implementing measures ranging from travel restrictions to lockdowns Cohen and Kupferschmidt, Our case study on the standardization of contact tracing apps in Europe is based on a variety of primary and secondary research data and has been conducted in three broad phases Table 2. Modelled after the matrix data display for qualitative research in Verdinelli and Scagnoli Novid20 was considered a suitable data source for three reasons.

First, the authors were granted access to various internal Novid20 meetings and documents. These documents contained information on other solutions, actors, marketing eownload, pitch decks, app specifications, and meeting minutes. To this end, we conducted a series of formal interviews with key personnel of Novid We augmented this information using publicly accessible itxly data. Hence, in this phase, the supplementary data collection focused on the various actors — market participants, committees, and government agencies — and their interactions.

The interview questions A ppendices A and B aimed to collect general information about the interviewees — their organizational role and experience windows 10 1703 download iso italy covid test - windows 10 1703 download iso italy covid test standards during the development process — and the collaboration between different actors.

The collection of secondary data throughout Phases 2 and 3 was conducted with the tesr selection criteria of source credibility lso expected contribution to our understanding of the case. We used Web of Science to identify relevant academic literature and Factiva and Pressreader to locate news articles. The various data sources allowed us to apply triangulation Amaratunga and Windows 10 1703 download iso italy covid test - windows 10 1703 download iso italy covid test, ; Maxwell and Reybold, to corroborate information and fill in gaps in our understanding of the case.

In the first phase of the research, we employed inductive coding. The second phase relied on a blended approach Skjott Linneberg and Korsgaard, that mixed certain deductive categories resulting from the research in Phase 1 with inductive coding, especially in such interviews revealing new information to us.

For the third phase of the research, which was closer aligned with the Wiegmann et al. Table 4 provides an overview of the coding schemes and key categories. In South Korea, behavioral big data Shmueli, was pooled and provided to the authorities Park et al. However, it became apparent that while effective in their home markets, these solutions would not work in Europe due to differences in data availability, as well as data privacy laws and norms Klonowska, If нажмите для продолжения consider digital contact tracing, it was clear to us that Bluetooth was the way to go.

And all other proposed solutions in Europe were using Bluetooth, too. Subsequent standardization processes focused on the underlying data architecture and protocols. The market mode of standard setting highlights that solutions can be developed by anyone and that coordination happens as the various solutions compete in the market Wiegmann et al.

The emergence of different solutions might also be explained by the fact that some of the early solutions were not immediately released as open source, as the process of documenting the protocol and providing reference implementations takes some time ComputerWeekly. We were operating under time приведу ссылку. For us, waiting for a standard was not a scenario that we considered.

Rather, we built something based on our existing technological capabilities while ensuring the flexibility to adopt future standards. However, realizing the harmful effects of competing to become the national standard, Novid20 decided not to release its app:.

Under normal circumstances, we should have released our app and let the market decide. We acted in the interest of the greater good, since two apps would have confused the Austrian population and windows 10 enterprise 1809 ltsc iso download impacted public health.

Standardization through committees refers to a cooperative mode of coordination involving a wide array covir stakeholders, such as SDOs, industry consortia, as well dowbload professional and trade associations. The key question was what kind of protocol to run on top of Bluetooth.

In the centralized down,oad, all apps are connected to a central authority. Conversely, in the decentralized approach, no entity is a sole authority or has control over the whole network and generated data Dar et al. Participation in either of the two committees thus largely reflected support for привожу ссылку of these approaches. The ensuing discussion led to a rift, with proponents for both solutions openly criticizing the other solution while advocating for their own Reuters, d.

Governments can also play an important role by using a hierarchical position to coordinate and impose standards.

They can either develop these standards themselves or mandate the use of an existing standard Wiegmann et al. France, for example, pushed for a domestic, centralized solution. Specifically, certain Bluetooth functions are limited when the app is not active or the device is in standby mode.

Hence, for full operability, on iPhones the app has to be running in the foreground, limiting the use of the device for other tasks. This issue constrained the functionality of the apps, and because of negative user experiences, threatened the widespread adoption of such apps. This request was denied, leading to perpetual inoperability of the standard released by the French government Reuters, b. A similar case unfolded in the United Kingdom UKisl the government had decided to develop a national centralized solution.

This was followed by the release of more detailed interoperability guidelines eHealth Network, ab. Beyond the national level, governments usually do not windows 10 1703 download iso italy covid test - windows 10 1703 download iso italy covid test the hierarchical means to directly influence the standardization process. Nevertheless, their backing and support can send strong signals to the market Wiegmann et al.

European governments engaged in various standardization efforts with market players. What these examples have in windoww is that governments picked a single solution from the many under development in their respective country, thus aiming to avoid the usual period of competition for dominance among market actors. While governments used their hierarchical means to influence the standardization process on the covud level by involving themselves in the competition between market actors, two important shortcomings remained.

First, national governments and market actors were unable to compel Apple to allow the required Bluetooth functionality on iOS devices, thus rendering any coordinated standard epidemiologically useless. Second, the aindows standards were proprietary and not interoperable. As the Novid20 CTO remarked during the interview, market actors saw the committee as means to coordination and exchange, and to doenload information on approaches being deliberated and developed.

Nevertheless, at the ссылка на страницу time they continued pursuing the diffusion and adoption of their own standards. In some cases, a standard is the product of interplay between government and a committee. Initially, governments supported whichever of these two committees included actors from their respective country. Thus, in the present itlay, governments were involved as powerful actors in both committees either through national research organizations, or as ardent promoters of a standard developed by committees in their respective countries.

In Aprilthe centralized approach became the focus of serious criticism due to privacy and data protection concerns. France hasn't yet conceded that, but that is the reality. You could not build a contact tracing app on iOS without Apple's involvement, because of the security and privacy features of the system. We approached Apple tesh Google through our contacts, and send them a message — which was really a redundant message — that the two of them would have to work together so that there would be a solution that worked for all phones.

We pushed our solution, which was at that ido developed and published. And it turns out that because of Apple's fairly strong position in favor of privacy, this was the more favored solution to them than the centralized protocol. And we worked with them and pushed them to implement a few other things. This led to the ссылка of a multitude of similar, yet mutually incompatible solutions. While the setting of standards through this mode benefits from legitimacy and network effects through the involvement of multiple stakeholders Koppell,efforts can take years to result in a standard.

Eventually, and analogous to the market mode, committees did not have the opportunity to coordinate a standard. The sudden download 10 iso with product key of Apple and Google to the standardization process simply outpaced committee efforts to coordinate a standard.

This is noteworthy, as these two committees were seen by many to possess more legitimacy due to their wide representation and were expected to raise fewer concerns regarding data protection and privacy than commercial actors.



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